Month: December 2019

  • No question about it

    Say hello to Mr Tawny. A brief visit to check out the barn owl nest box, but not suitable for a woodland owl.

  • It’s a tawny

    Little doubt this time, different markings compared to a barn owl. Only one so far, hopefully the other is hiding in the nest box.

  • Barn owl or tawny?

    We heard a tawny hooting last night and these two photos are from the new owl box. Photos aren’t clear but we think a tawny is taking over this box while the barn owls are nesting in the old one. We hope they all get on.

  • Hooty update

    They’re spending more time around the nest box, though not staying in it during the day. A lot of winter to go yet before they nest properly, but it’s looking good so far.

  • Settling in

    It’s been a couple of weeks and the two barn owls are still hanging around. They’re sleeping somewhere else most days but at night are still taking a great interest in the nest box, so hopefully it fits their requirements for the spring.

  • Weasel or stoat?

    We think weasel – quite small, but we couldn’t see the tail which would have decided things.

    (just its head showing in centre of blurry photo)
  • Nap time

    Hooty’s settling in and currently having a well-earned nap.

  • Hooty’s back!

    And not just one but two: after a year of empty nests we now have a pair of barn owls taking an interest in the old nest box. We’re going to give them plenty of peace and quiet while they settle in. There’s a lot of winter ahead for them but the field is ready, with plenty of scrubland for hunting.