Month: July 2020

  • Nine weeks old


    Day 63. The two owlets have spent the night outside, firstly watching the bats (perhaps for inspiration) and then climbing all over the oak tree, finally returning to the safety of the nest box at dawn. Tomorrow night might be the night for their first flight!

    Here are a few video clips from the night of adventure

  • Daredevils


    Day 62. The two owlets have both ventured out onto the ledge for the first time, despite the wind trying to blow them off.

    One of the adults even made an appearance with a fat ? (mouse, vole or mole, we can’t quite make it out) for one of the owlets.

  • Fluffless (almost)


    Day 61. The owlets don’t spend all day resting: there’s plenty of time for a bit of mutual preening and stretching of wings.

  • Young doves

    Category: ,

    Six days old and the two stock dove chicks are already losing their fluff as their new feathers appear. In only three weeks time they’ll be fully fledged and will have left the nest.

    Not as cute as barn owlets but we think they have a certain charm.
  • Morning


    Day 61. One of the owlets having a good look around before settling down for a day of resting. They’re not rushing to learn to fly so we are going to carefully cut down on the feeding to encourage them to come out more.

    Male or female hootlet? We’re not sure.

  • One small step…


    Day 59. Just a few hours later and the owlet takes its first tentative step out on the ledge. She doesn’t go any further though: not surprising as she’s come out of the safety of the small world inside the nest box to find herself twelve feet up a tree and no parent to guide her.

  • It’s a big world out there


    Day 58. One of the owlets takes its first look at the outside world. Not quite brave enough to come out any further, it has a good wobble-headed look from the safety of the nest box.