Month: June 2021

  • Sleepy owlet


    We’re not sure how many owlets there are, four or five perhaps (we don’t think the last egg has hatched) but the older ones are clearly getting bigger and more boisterous.

    Here the mother struggles to contain her clutch and one owlet pops up behind her, and promptly falls asleep on her wingtip. She doesn’t seem to mind though, as when she turns round to see what’s going on, she just lets it rest.

  • Ghost of a dragonfly

    It’s the time of year for our dragonflies to morph from larvae to adults. Here’s the discarded cast (‘exuvia’) of the old skin, probably from a broad-bodied chaser as we have lots of those here and this cast is quite big (about two inches long).

    The ghostly remains of a dragonfly larva.
  • Confused hen

    One of our hens thinks she is a cockerel. ‘Tog’ is an old Speckledy and probably not laying anymore, so with too much time on her hands she has decided to mess around. Turn up the sound to hear why!

    Update 15 June. Tog has developed a much larger redder wattle than she used to and has spurs have appeared on her legs. Signs of more than just a passing phase: she does appear to be turning into a cockerel.

  • Five owlets


    We now have five tiny owlets of various ages and sizes and one remaining egg. The mother may appear to be stepping on them but she is really being very gentle trying to keep them under control as they wriggle away in all directions.

    Five wriggly pink owlets.

  • Four owlets


    Four of the eggs have now hatched and the mother manages to look after each of the tiny pink owlets as well as continuing to incubate the remaining two eggs.

    The fourth owlet is just visible when the mother turns around.

  • Ragged robin

    The first time we’ve seen this wildflower in the field. Particularly attractive to long-tongued bees, apparently.

  • Proud dad


    The proud dad is sitting on the nest box keeping an eye out and chattering to the female and chicks inside.

    Then off he goes back to his roost box for a rest from a night of hunting.

  • Two owlets


    Last night the female left the nest box briefly to reveal two owlets who, intertwined start chittering loudly to each other. The female calls to them from outside the nest box but they won’t keep quiet until she comes back in and settles back down on them.

    Even though the male stays away most of the time he does bring back a lot of food, as you can see from the larder on the floor of the nest box.