Category: Tipton’s Croft
January frost
Category: Tipton’s Croft -
Dead hedging
Category: Tipton’s CroftOur version of dead hedging: a line of cut branches, twig, leaves that we would previously have burnt on the bonfire. Far better for the air and for wildlife. The pile will slowly decompose into the ground over the next couple of years or so.
The sound of birds
Category: Tipton’s CroftA ten minute walk around the field with Merlin Bird ID and we were surprised by how many birds were around us.
Red sky at night
Category: Tipton’s Croft -
Bee time
Blue and green
Category: Tipton’s Croft -
Happy Christmas
Category: Tipton’s CroftHappy Christmas from Tipton’s Croft. The recent freezing weather, with six inches of ice on the pond (and a frozen borehole) has given way to more familiar dark, wet weather with the occasional welcoming blue sky.
All is not quiet though. The barn owl is still around screeching at night, though isn’t roosting in either of the nest boxes. Herons, little egrets, snipes and wild ducks come to the pond where the roach and perch have retreated to the bottom, appearing only at night in torchlight.
Haws and holly are the only colour in the hedges but goldfinches brighten the edges of the meadow as they feed on knapweed seed heads.
Hopefully we will have visiting sheep soon to keep the meadow grass short until the wildflowers have a chance in the spring.
Confused hen
Category: Tipton’s CroftOne of our hens thinks she is a cockerel. ‘Tog’ is an old Speckledy and probably not laying anymore, so with too much time on her hands she has decided to mess around. Turn up the sound to hear why!
Update 15 June. Tog has developed a much larger redder wattle than she used to and has spurs have appeared on her legs. Signs of more than just a passing phase: she does appear to be turning into a cockerel.
Cold sunset
Category: Tipton’s Croft -
Category: Tipton’s CroftLesser Celandine emerges from the meadow. The recent cold spell has tried to pause life here at Tipton’s Croft but spring can never really be stopped. The hedgerows are full of white blackthorn blossom and the bright green of hawthorn leaf is beginning to show through. The growth of grass has slowed down in the meadow but wildflowers are beginning to emerge, with traces of lesser celandine the first to appear.
The ponds are full of life with frog and toad spawn hatching into masses of black wriggly tadpoles and great crested newts seeking each other out. There are pairs of mallard ducks tentatively eyeing up the new island and a not entirely welcome heron visiting to sit in the shallows ready to pounce on anything that moves.
The owl boxes are sadly empty of owls, and proving rather too tempting to the local jackdaws and stock doves, so we may need to block off the entrances to keep the boxes prepared for any passing barn owl that is looking for a nest.
In the bleak midwinter
Category: Tipton’s Croft -
Category: Tipton’s Croft